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Crestron Electronics, Inc. - SW-TB
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System Maintenance and Diagnostics

Model: SW-TB

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Crestron Toolbox is a broad-based mechanism that performs numerous system tasks, such as logging system data and error messages, setting network IDs, uploading programs and device firmware, transmitting device status information, changing system communication parameters, and detecting network devices and control cards. The Crestron Toolbox fully replaces the Crestron Viewport and provides an extended range of diagnostic and communications tools. The Toolbox is an easy-to-use, graphically based program that uses a drag and drop interface, and provides immediate feedback. With built-in diagnostic tools, such as Network Analyzer, Video Test Patterns, and infiNET™ Diagnostics, coupled with device and SIMPL windows views, toolbox simplifies system setup and troubleshooting, saving a considerable amount of time and effort.

SIMPL Debugger

Monitors the status of selected signals in real time, and simulates system inputs such as button presses without need to physically press buttons on the device. Data about signal transitions is time-stamped and written to a log file.

Network Analyzer

Samples voltage levels on the Cresnet wires and reports the data to a log file. In this way, the Analyzer identifies Cresnet network problems that can be caused by faulty devices, electrical shorts, or breaks in network wiring.
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12345 Old Meridian St.
Carmel, IN 46032
p: (317) 580-1032