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AVPro Edge

AVPro Edge specializes in full bandwidth audio/video distribution, working alongside HDMI, HDBaseT and HDCP, we pride ourselves on developing uniquely engineered solutions for today’s integrator.

Model: AC-EX70-UHD-ARC-10KIT

The AC-EX70-UHD-ARC consists of a transmitter and receiver that connect via single 6a/7 UTP/STP. Connecting an HDMI signal to the transmitter allows for sending HDMI signals up to 70 meters at 1080p a
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AVPro Edge Weather Proof HDBaseT Video Distribution - New Product Training
Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2021
AVPro talks about the process used by Sealoc to weatherproof our products (AC-EX40-444-KIT-SEA & AC-EX70-444-RNE), and how AVPro Edge's customers have brand new options with a HDBaseT receiver that will work in the direct rain!

12345 Old Meridian St.
Carmel, IN 46032
p: (317) 580-1032