fbpx Video | Automate VX Customizations: Layouts | Crestron Electronics, Inc. | Premier Group
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Crestron Electronics, Inc.

Crestron offers the only complete end-to-end solution with a complete line of hardware and software. Crestron not only connects and controls devices; we integrate and automate all the building systems to provide a connected experience. We deliver integrated solutions for audio, video, IP, lighting and climate control making wiring and installations easier and promoting system integrity.

Model: HD-WP-4K-401-C

The HD-WP-4K-401-C enables the display of up to four video sources simultaneously on a single HD, Ultra HD, or 4K display.
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Automate VX Customizations: Layouts
Posted on Tuesday, January 9, 2024
In a hybrid meeting, seeing more than just the person speaking in the room can add context for remote viewers. With Automate VX multi-camera speaker tracking solution, you can composite multiple views from the room, desktop screens, images like logos, and more to create customized Layouts. This video demonstrates some different Layouts that can be used with Automate VX.

12345 Old Meridian St.
Carmel, IN 46032
p: (317) 580-1032